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Workshops provide a venue for focused, in-depth presentations, discussion, interaction, and hands-on activities. Workshops can be organized as a “mini-conference”, comprising peer-reviewed presentations and proceedings, or as a “symposium” comprising invited speakers and no proceedings. These two options grant organizers flexibility to develop program agendas that best suit their event’s goals.

Workshops are either half- or full-day events.

A conference within a conference

Workshop Schedule
Sunday–Monday, November 17–18 & Friday, November 22, 2024


Workshops Chair
Janine C. Bennett, Sandia National Laboratories

Workshops Vice Chair
Bruno Raffin, French Institute for Research in Computer Scienct and Automation (INRIA); Grenoble Alpes University, France

Workshop submissions open January 1, 2024.

Workshop Submissions

FEB 23, 2024

Submissions Close

MAR 15, 2024

Notifications Sent

SEP 6, 2024

Paper Notifications Sent

SEP 27, 2024

Content & Schedule Due

SEP 27, 2024

Final Materials Due

How to submit

What Are Workshops?

SC presents full- and half-day Workshops with the goal of expanding the knowledge base of practitioners and researchers in a particular area of interest. They provide a venue for focused, in-depth presentations, discussion, interaction, and hands-on activities. Workshops can be organized as a “mini-conference”, comprising peer-reviewed presentations and proceedings, or as a “symposium” without proceedings. These two options grant organizers flexibility to develop program agendas that best suit their event’s goals.

Workshop submissions are peer-reviewed and selected with a preference for submissions that foster deep and interactive dialogue on topics of interest to the HPC community.

“Symposium” type proposals are encouraged as we are hoping to increase their proportion in the program.

Workshop Goals

Every Workshop at SC should have a clear goal to develop, expand, or evolve a specialized sub-field in HPC and is encouraged to have additional goals to socialize early works, build bridges between interdisciplinary communities, provide professional development, and/or develop useful artifacts. The event’s goals must be defined clearly and fall into one or more of the following areas:

A. Ideation: The development, expansion, and evolution of specialized sub-fields relevant to HPC, including knowledge acquisition, community building or growth, community networking and engagement, workforce development and ideation of R&D principles or practice. All SC workshops must target this Goal.

B. Socialization of Early Works: To learn about and receive feedback on emerging R&D principles or practice.

C. Building Bridges Between Interdisciplinary Communities: Perspectives from experts in interdisciplinary application areas, highlighting challenges, gaps, and innovative HPC solutions.

D. Professional Development: Opportunities for professional development, including
technical presentation, writing, and publishing skills; organization and leadership skills, service and career building.

E. Artifacts: Tangible artifacts, e.g., proceedings, a sub-field report or white paper. Additionally, a workshop may be an instrument for student/professional recruitment.

preparing your submission

The Workshops submission form gathers information about the history, format, content, and needs of the proposed workshop, along with an attached document summarizing the workshop’s scope, relevance, participants, etc.

Please limit the leadership of each workshop (i.e. workshop organizers) to four for simplicity of communication. You are welcome to include more participants on your scientific or steering committees.

SC strongly recommends that organizers practice inclusivity when organizing their workshop. Proposals should describe inclusivity plans, and those plans will be evaluated as part of the proposal review criteria.

reproducibility initiative

We believe that reproducible science is essential, and that SC is a leader in this effort. Moving in this direction, reproducibility is encouraged in Workshops. Learn more about the Reproducibility Initiative.

Implementing Reproducibility

Upon acceptance, workshop organizers who intend to participate in the Reproducibility Initiative should provide for their workshop authors:

  • Information about this initiative on the workshop’s website, explaining how authors can present their reproducibility documentation
  • An evaluation of each author’s reproducibility documentation, as part of the review process

Review Criteria

Workshop proposals are peer-reviewed by a committee of experts. Each proposal will have at least three reviewers. The review committee will execute a fair and uniform selection process that considers a proposed workshop’s prior performance at SC and the quality of the submission. All Workshops will be subject to the same competitive review process. Long-standing workshops will neither summarily be accepted nor rejected based solely on longevity.

The peer review process is single-anonymous. Reviewers have access to the names of workshop submitters. While Workshops Committee members are named on the SC24 Planning Committee page, the names of the individuals reviewing each proposal are not made available to workshop submitters.

conflict of interest & Plagiarism

conflict of interest

Please be aware of, and adhere to, these SC Conference guidelines regarding potential conflicts of interest and disclosure.

A potential conflict of interest occurs when a person is involved in making a decision that:

  • Could result in that person, a close associate of that person, or that person’s company or institution receiving significant financial gain, such as a contract or grant, or
  • Could result in that person, or a close associate of that person, receiving significant professional recognition, such as an award or the selection of a paper, work, exhibit, or other type of submitted presentation.

Program Committee members will be given the opportunity to list potential conflicts of interest during each program’s review process. Program Committee chairs and area chairs will make every effort to avoid assignments that have a potential COI.

According to the SC conference you have a conflict of interest with the following:

  • Your PhD advisors, post-doctoral advisors, PhD students, and post-doctoral advisees;
  • Family relations by blood or marriage, or equivalent (e.g., a partner);
  • People with whom you collaborated in the past five years. Collaborators include: co-authors on an accepted/rejected/pending research paper; co-PIs on an accepted/pending grant; those who fund your research; researchers whom you fund; or researchers with whom you are actively collaborating;
  • Close personal friends or others with whom you believe a conflict of interest exists;
  • People who were employed by, or a student at, your primary institution(s) in the past five years, or people who are active candidates for employment at your primary institution(s).

Note that “service” collaborations, such as writing a DOE, NSF, or DARPA report, or serving on a program committee, or serving on the editorial board of a journal, do not inherently create a COI.

Other situations can create COIs, and you should contact the Technical Program Chairs for questions or clarification on any of these issues.


Please review the IEEE guidelines on identifying plagiarism.

Organizers of “mini-conference” type workshops who decide to use the SC submissions website for collecting and reviewing workshop papers will be given access to the plagiarism tools embedded in the portal. Authors of workshop papers should submit new, original work that represents a significant advance from even their own prior publications.

Organizers of “symposium” type workshops are welcome to invite speakers presenting work they have already published at other venues or journals. This is particularly relevant for multidisciplinary symposiums, where invited speakers are presenting work published at venues from other disciplines. 

upon acceptance


One complimentary Workshops registration will be provided for each accepted event, which allows access to any scheduled workshop. For additional registrations, please refer to Registration for fees. Note that registration fees may differ depending on whether you also have a Technical Program registration.

Workshops registration is for one or multiple days, during which time you have access to any scheduled workshop.

Collection & Review of Workshop Papers

If desired, workshop organizers may use the SC submissions website for the collection and review of your workshop papers. However, it is required to use the SC submissions website if you would like your workshop papers to be included in the SC24 Workshop Proceedings. 

Workshop Organizers Please Note: It is recommended that workshop organizers set their paper notification deadline no later than September 8, 2024, well in advance of the closing of standard registration on October 11, 2024.

proceedings & Archives


The submission form for a workshop must indicate if the workshop organizers wish to publish in the SC Workshop Proceedings. SC will publish Workshops Proceedings as a separate volume from the Technical Papers Proceedings. Inclusion in the SC Workshop Proceedings is open to workshops that employ a competitive peer-review process and agree to meet SC’s high standards for publication. During the review process, the Workshops Committee will determine whether a workshop meets the standards and whether the papers for the workshop will be included in the SC Workshop Proceedings. Accepted workshops must designate a liaison to work with the Proceedings Chair to prepare the workshop papers for the proceedings.


Workshop organizers are invited to archive their workshop’s agenda and presentations on the Technical Program Archives page. Note that the publication of material to this archive is only possible if you upload your workshop URL and program to the SC submissions website before September 30, 2024.


schedule & location

Workshops are scheduled on Sunday, November 17; Monday, November 18; and Friday, November 22, 2024. Workshops are either half- or full-day events. Note that on Friday, November 22, only half-day workshops are scheduled.

  • Sunday and Monday Full-Day Workshops: 8:30 am–5 pm
  • Sunday and Monday Half-Day Workshops: 8:30 am–noon and 1:30–5 pm
  • Friday Half-Day Workshops: 8:30 am–noon

Workshop organizers and presenters are expected to be in-person at the conference. Remote participation by organizers and presenters should only be considered under hardship and special circumstances to be discussed with workshop organizers and Workshop Co-Chairs.

All workshops must be held at the Georgia World Congress Center in the room assigned by SC.

Each workshop must start and end at the time assigned by the Workshops Chair. Agreements with the convention center do not allow us to extend the use of reserved rooms beyond the time allocated to your workshop. Violation of these agreements may result in fines, which will be the responsibility of the individual workshop organizer(s).

Food & Coffee Breaks

During Workshops, two 30-minute coffee breaks, at 10 am and 3 pm, are provided on Sunday and Monday; one 30-minute coffee break at 10 am is provided on Friday.

Sunday and Monday full-day workshops include a lunch break from 12:30–2 pm. Lunch is not provided or included with registration for workshop participants and attendees. The SC Conference works with the convention center to ensure that restaurants and other sources of refreshment are easily accessible.

Current SC Conference policies and procedures do not allow workshop organizers to provide lunch to their workshop participants and attendees.


Workshops are assigned either a classroom or a theater room equipped with standard AV facilities:

  • Projector
  • Microphone and podium
  • Wireless lapel microphone or wireless handheld microphone
  • Projection screen

According to current SC policies and procedures, the conference does not provide the following in your workshop room:

  • Poster boards
  • Round tables
  • Wired internet connection
  • Power strips on the tables or under the chairs
  • Recording of talks at the workshop

workshops FAQ

Can I update my workshop submission?

Yes, you can update your workshop submission until the submission deadline.

The workshops submission strongly encourages including an inclusivity plan. Do you have guidance on what an inclusivity plan should include and how it will be evaluated during proposal review?

SC’s inclusivity effort is described on the Inclusivity page, including a link to demographic information about the conference’s organizing committee. With respect to the inclusivity plan for workshop proposals, we’re looking for some content that describes the submitters’ plans for practicing inclusivity in their workshop organizing committee.

For instance, if the workshop is organized around peer-reviewed technical papers, the inclusivity plan may describe how the proposal submitters will demonstrate inclusivity when putting together their paper review committee. Note that the plan does *not* deal with demonstrating inclusivity in the papers that such a workshop would accept.  

Similarly, a “symposium” may provide an inclusivity plan that describes their strategy for ensuring the workshop organizers demonstrate inclusivity when inviting speakers to the symposium.

The inclusivity plan will be reviewed similarly to the other content in the workshop proposal, with the reviewer indicating whether the proposal includes a plan and the reviewer’s rating indicating their evaluation of the plan’s likelihood to encourage inclusivity.

What are the requirements to have the workshop proceedings published in the SC Workshop Proceedings?

Articles to appear in SC Workshops Proceedings must be subject to a competitive peer-review process that meets the standards of the SC Conference.

What is the anticipated success rate of “symposium” type workshop proposals?

We have no expected acceptance rate for “symposium” type workshop submissions, nor for “mini-conference” workshops.  We encourage the submission of both types and will ensure that all proposals are fairly evaluated.

We strongly encourage  “symposium” type Workshops because they can offer the opportunity for the SC community to explore novel emerging domains, or to bring in a critical mass of experts to present work already-published in other relevant conferences or journals and foster a community discussion.

Ready to Submit?

Create an account in the online submission system and complete the form. A sample form can be viewed before signing in.

If you have questions about Workshop submissions, please contact the program committee.

dates & deadlines

Submission, application, and nomination deadlines for all programs and awards, the housing open date, the early registration deadline, and more – all in one place.

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